Caring for Your Mississippi-Grown
Christmas Tree
After you’ve found your perfect Christmas tree, maintain it so it will last throughout the holiday season.
- If you don’t plan to put up the tree immediately, store it in a place away from cold and wind, such as in a garage. Make a fresh 1-inch cut at the bottom of the trunk so that the tree can absorb water better, and place it in a bucket of warm water. To help your tree absorb water, make a fresh 1-inch cut at the bottom of the trunk before you place it in the tree stand, even if you already made a cut to the tree when storing it.
- Keeping pre-cut trees watered is important. In the first week, trees can consume up to a quart of water every day.
- How much water a tree needs in its stand depends on its size. Use 1 quart of water for every 1 inch of diameter.
- Check the water level in the stand daily. As long as you keep the water level above the cut end of the tree, it will not dry out.
- Use UL-certified mini LED lights. These produce less heat, which will slow the drying process.
- Take down the tree before it dries out. If taken care of, many trees can last for 5 weeks before drying out.
Source: University of Illinois Extension,